Wednesday, April 20, 2011

strangers, don't talk to me when I'm in the shower

My shower is my sacred place, and I’m not willing to share it with many people.

So, this morning while I was in my steamy sanctuary, a stranger’s voice was suddenly yelling at me, and my sanctuary was violated.

I don’t want to talk to a near stranger while naked. Period.

A couple nights a week, I stay at a co-worker’s house to eliminate some of my driving time. After a month of this, a friend of hers came back from Germany, and he’s also staying with her, which means I have a roommate. Our rooms are across the hall from each other, and we share a bathroom.

I don’t have many personal space phobias, and I don’t really care if I’m having a conversation with someone in the bathroom while I’m doing my make up or brushing my hair. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t take long to know that the bathroom is often a meeting place for members of my family and friends.

My shower is a little bit different. There have been instances where girl talk has transpired between myself and a sister, but those times are rare and involved someone who I didn’t mind talking to while shampooing my hair.

A practical stranger is different.

I was jarred out of my showering-thought-process by a man’s garbled voice in a stringy sentence of which the only thing I distinctly heard was my name.

I’m not really sure what the protocol is in this situation. Shut off the water? Ask for a repeat? Tell him I didn’t hear him? Prematurely end my shower and greet him in a towel to see what he wants?

I couldn’t figure out what was so important that he had to yell at me through a locked bathroom door while I was in the shower.

“Have a good day, Holly.” Our relationship doesn’t call for that.
“Be sure and set the alarm before you leave, Holly.” That’s obvious.
“I’m not going to lock the front door when I leave, Holly.” I don’t need to know that.
“I’m going to my girlfriend’s house, Holly.” Newsflash I couldn’t have lived without.
“I have beer chilling in the fridge, Holly. Help yourself tonight.” That might have called for interrupting my shower.

I yelled back, “Okay.”

And then he was gone, and I was left thinking about how I don’t like being talked to by strangers when I’m in the shower. And that I should blog about it.

So I did.

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