Friday, November 14, 2008

Time Out!

We take a moment from our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this message: Holly is losing her mind in the office.

Not really.

What I thought could possible be a day off has turned into a 9 hour work day and I'm sitting here trying to pull on my football hat and churn out a good ------------------------------------->
For the ones who know anything about sports and what my life has centered around for the past 3 weeks, you'll know what that last word is.

Illustration of how I felt about my day off not being a day off ----------------->
In better news, Brooke called me at the ass-crack of dawn this morning, which roused me out of bed, which proved beneficial because I got errands done before coming into work. Otherwise I'd have slept way too late. Thank you Brooke!!

This is something I'm very happy about --------------------------------->
If you're going to be hanging out with at all in the next, oh, 2 months, you're going to be hearing a lot about puppies! And actually, even if you're not able to hang out with me in person, you're still going to hear a lot about puppies (Kristin!) :)

My plan for tomorrow ---------------->
My team and I are covering 3 first round state championship high school games. Wow. We're good.

Do you know what's coming? ------>

Yes, The Nose came with me all the way from Kentucky!!! -------------->

I'm going to finish the football preview and go home. ------------>

In other news, and I don't have pictures to back this up, I had to cook dinner for my dogs last night. Two days in a row, I forgot to go buy dog food so when I got home at 1 a.m., I made them stove-top oatmeal and mixed in lunch meat and cooked bacon/bacon grease. They were quite pleased with the concoction and I CANNOT forget to get dog food tonight on my way home!


Brooke said...

No problem, I'm here for you =) He! He! And I enjoy the fact that you have the red nose!!!

Unknown said...

The real question is: Why did the red nose make the trip?! :)

Amy and Jesse said...

You are ridiculous with the pictures...I love it!