...or the couch I'm sitting on...
...or the bed I'm laying in...
The day after our all-nighter, she grounded me to the couch by falling asleep in my lap.
She knew I wouldn't wake her up by moving to flit about the house in what's been called "frantic energy" so she camped out there for as long as I could possibly ignore the laundry.

She's always been an independent sleeper until recently when she's decided that laying as close to me as possible while we both fall asleep is ideal. At some point in the night, she moves to the floor next to me.

And then in the morning, after my alarm goes off for the first time, she climbs back in and makes sure I'm awake.

I love her.
I think our animals are somehow related because this describes Toki perfectly. It's funny how he'll curl up in my lap during the times when I really need to be still and reflect....and he does this exact same thing with the falling asleep/waking up thing. I seriously never knew that being a pet owner could be so completely rewarding and fulfilling. Why haven't I don't it before?
*done it before....looooong week :) Oh, and for the record, but word verification is "tryingish" I am totally adding it to my lexicon!
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