Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random sentence

What's the most random thing you've said all day?

You're stumped. I have an answer.

I texted my brother Daniel and asked him if he was having a good day. He said "ya, great! How about you?"

And here it is, folks.

"I'm good! I want to quit my job and travel the world. And I want to make wooden puzzles and sell them at Christmas bazaars."

He hasn't replied.

You know how when you're just becoming friends with someone or starting a relationship every word is measured carefully so you don't offend anyone. You scan the dictionary before you have a conversation so you can whip out a new word and impress them. I'm always careful to tone the southern accent down a little and not use "ya'll" and under no circumstances, "all ya'll." Or when a photographer out on assignment for me wakes me up, I rehearse "hello" about 10 times before I answer the phone. She still guesses it - "did I wake you up?"

But what a great point in a friendship when you can just be yourself.

How my day's going is exactly what I said.

I'm good.
I want to quit my job and travel the world.
I want to make wooden puzzles and sell them at Christmas bazaars.

He said, "Haha, really? That's awesome!"

Because that's what a great friend says.


Anonymous said...

And a great friend will never stab you in the back. They are few and far between. That's the sad part. I hope you find that great friend, if you haven't already Holly.

Christina said...

The only word I was going to say was YES! But then I read this comment and I also want to say that I don't know who that is, but LAME!