Sunday, September 23, 2012

Book Review: Daring Greatly

This isn't a coffee table book, or one that you leave waiting on the night stand, or neglected on your bookshelf. It's one you underline in, mark in, leave notes in the margins, bend pages back to mark a spot, dribble evening tea in and shove scraps of paper in key places so you don't lose the spot. When you're done, it will look read, and it should. And long after it's been read (once, twice, three times), it's the book that will live in your mind and heart.

I was running two nights ago and was involved in a text conversation, one that required me to expose a bit of my heart. I wanted out of the conversation (“whoops, I didn't mean to send you that text”) and then the thought: “Why is it hard for you right now to be vulnerable with this person?” Brene Brown was in my head.

Daring Greatly is the book that will breathe warm air over the icy enclosures of your heart and tempt you with greatness to let go, be vulnerable, build shame-resiliency and live a Wholehearted life. It's not just for one person, it's for every person. If you're the leader in your home, your corporation, your neighborhood, you school, your family, need to block out the distractions, the obligations, the tugs and pulls, find a quiet spot and let Brown's words penetrate your psyche.

Just think: if you're living a Wholehearted life, and I am too, and you inspire your neighbor, and your neighbor takes the message to their workplace, and on and on, before we know it, we've spread a lifestyle of Wholehearted living and perhaps, just perhaps, the world could indeed be a Wholehearted world.

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I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.

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