Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Remember when...

You all remember this post so it'll be easy for you to understand why I freaked (freaked) when I walked in my office in my house last night and beheld this little creature laying quite comfortably on a pile of blankets:The shudders, shakes and all that came back as I racked my brain trying to figure out how to get him out of the house. I came up with these tools:I corralled the fellow into a corner where I blocked him off with the dustpan and gave him his only option of escape - the yellow pitcher. And here we are with the lizard safely secured:You will notice the lip of the pitcher, which yes, the little guy could have escaped from but thank the heavens above he was frozen in terror and did not move.

And since my camera was handy and it has video, I shot the release of the little fella for your viewing pleasure:


Unknown said...

YOU CRACK ME UP! Seriously ...

One of my favorite things in the video was the fact you have a gallon of milk sitting on your table. Random.

Then you "flinging" the lizard was funny because you seemed to fling him before you were ready.

Oh, goodness, I miss you!

The Logarithmic Spiral said...

I LOOOOVE how you screamed as you were flinging the lizard. "I don't do lizards." You are too much. I love it!