Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big Helper!

Inbetween helping (learning how to do) laundry, Josey and I danced in the laundry room to songs like John Denver's "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" and "Rosemary's Granddaugher". Her giggles and laughter were evident of her being thrilled over turning help-time into playtime too. Plus, what girl doesn't like to dance in the laundry room?

But then it was back to work:

She's been quite vocal tonight and in what I like to call "normal English" and not just her baby talk. I had to explain to her that we were going to "Katie's new house" and when we pulled in the driveway, she exclaimed from the backseat, "Wow, it's big! I wanna see everything!" When she walked through the house, she kept saying, "It smells so good in here!"
I let her help me paint a part of the wall and she held the tape while we taped off the kids' room. She went in one of the bedrooms and asked, "who sleeps here?" I said, "this is Katie's room."
"Where are you going to sleep?" she asked. I told her probably with Katie.
And then she looked at me and said, "Well, where's my room then?"
She ran to the back bedroom, spun a circle in the middle of the floor and yelled, "THIS is my room!!"
I love her.

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