Saturday, January 28, 2012


That's what I did tonight.

I barhopped.


My Racers were scheduled to be on ESPN3 and I wanted to watch them extend their historic record to 21-0, remaining the only unbeaten team in men's college basketball.

So I called and found a bar/grill that said they had ESPN3.

Friends couldn't go, but I decided to go anyway. I've never been to a bar alone so figured I'd expand my single horizons, plus I really wanted to watch the game and drink a drink after work.

I asked for a table near a TV, sat down, ordered a drink and food, and asked for the channel to be changed.

No can-do.

It's an internet only channel, I was told. I asked her to double check, she did, I paid for my drink, which I didn't finish and left.

On my way home I decided to call another sports bar to see if the game was playing. Not only did she assure me they had ESPN3, but I was informed the game was playing RIGHT THEN.

I got very excited as I turned around and headed to Bar #2. The game was well into the first half at this point, so I pointedly asked for a table by a TV and was ushered back to one.

I ordered a drink and food and waited for the channel to be changed.

Next thing I know, my drink arrives and so does the manager.

Game's not on; it's an internet only channel.

Admittedly, I cursed under my breath and was a little pissed off while I drove away. I resolved to drive home and watch the game online in my bed, which is not what I wanted to do. What I wanted to do was to be in public for five minutes, and in a public place that did not revolve around my newsroom, a grocery store or gas station.

Thankfully a friend rescued me and I spontaneously met her and her husband, another friend and her date for dinner.

I'm thankful for friends.

And I'm thankful for a Racer win even though I couldn't watch or listen.

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