Sunday, December 26, 2010

Seattle's best?

I started my Christmas morning with a cup of coffee that tasted like dirty socks. I was informed it was "Seattle's Best" and judging from the look on mom's face, she didn't like it either.

I summarized that it tasted like a "crappy, shitty foggy Seattle day," which is probably the best Seattle has to offer - I don't know, I'm just guessing.

There were rumors surrounding Christmas 2010 that I was the Grinch.

I will admit, I just wasn't "feeling" the Christmas spirit, as I've discussed here before. Several things contributed to this, I think:

1) the weather. Hard to have Christmas when it's 88 degrees.
2) um, hello Dec. 25th. Where the hell did you come from?
3) lack of travel. This was huge for me this year. Usually either I'm having to travel home for Christmas or I'm waiting for people to travel to me. I was actually jealous of people who had a four-hour drive home to Houston. There's a certain element of excitement that goes along with the stress of planning for a trip, actually getting there and then having it all melt away when you walk in the front door.

Don't misunderstand.

My day was awesome. My family is awesome. Our Christmas had all the elements of our family Christmases - gifts, the simplicity and volume of us all being together, my voice scaring the poo out of my niece when I raise it any octave, and card games (always card games!) Oh, and 48 Hours on ID while playing card games. That show is suddenly a new obsession in my family. My little brother and I sat in the recliner the other night and watched an episode while rehearsing the Toys R Us commercial song and hi-fiving when we nailed it.

MICAH: "I don't"
ME: "wanna"
MICAH: "grow up"
ME: "because"
ME: "wanna"
MICAH: "be"
ME: "a"
MICAH: "Toys R Us"
ME: "kid"

Sounds easy. Totally not.

It was during this same session of watching 48 Hours on ID and River Monsters that he made a bet with me.

"I bet you $100 that you'll have a baby before the first year of your marriage. Wait, I mean be pregnant."

(side note: I'm nowhere near being married much less prego.)

We shook hands but then I realized I was in the dark.

"Wait. What am I shaking on?"

"That you don't think you will be," he explained and then informed me that I could not retract my shaking, which was fine with me. I don't see myself pregnant in the first of the invisible marriage.

But back to Christmas.

It was a good day, as I mentioned. Fun memories. I got a ceiling fan cleaned and some blinds. We cooked some kickass food and enjoyed each other's company.

I am blessed. And sleepy.


Amy Bushatz said...

Yeah well 6.25 hours is about my preferred tap-out point to, but 5 days is the ABSOLUTE MOST I can take without yelling at someone. A lot. And that someone being Luke.

In other news, Seattle is absolutely GORGEOUS for about four months a year. No one ever tells you that... because it's so pretty that we don't want you to go there and clog things up for the rest of us. But it's true.

This is the same group of mean people who fail to mention that sometimes Georgia, though reputed to be hotter than hell, sometimes is FREEZING COLD. Who knew?

Unknown said...

I too loved Seattle. I've been twice, and it barely even rained when I was there. :)